
Ðîññèéñêàÿ Èíôîðìàöèîííàÿ Ñåòü

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Black Dahlia (in English)

Òèï ñòàòüè: Cheats
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.gamez.ru
Àâòîð: Matrix
Äàòà: 27.8.2000

Here are some codes (cheats) to those people who just can not
beat the game without 'em. You enter the codes when you are
solving the puzzle.

1) The telephone number is 267-404;
2) Puzzle with the Stained Glass - LEADHEAD;
3) Herold's name is Louie Fischterwald;
4) To open the wooden house - LOGHOUSE;
5) Open the case in Louie's room - TURNKEY;
6) Open the safe in Winslow's office - MASTERLOCK;
7) Change the stamp - RINGDING;
8) Open the Round Table - ARTHUR;
9) Open the door in your hypnotic dream - CANCAN;
10) Open the door to the Round Table Room - TRIANGLE;
11) Numbers on the newspapers' pages are the astrological numbers
of planets.

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